Inner Circle achieves MCIAC Accreditation!

Our MCIAC certificate - the FIRST motorcycle training school in the North West to achieve this award!

We are thrilled to announce that Inner Circle Training has become the FIRST motorcycle training school in the North West to achieve the coveted MCIAC Accreditation!

This award has been developed by the Motorcycle Industry Association (MCI) in conjunction with the IMI (Institute of Motor Industry) and is a professional qualification for ATB (Approved Training Body) owners. It is awarded following a course delivered by the MCIAC (Motorcycle Industry Accreditation Centre) and several follow-up visits and inspections to ensure that the ATB (in this case, Inner Circle Training) is well managed and professional. In order to achieve the award we have had to demonstrate to an independent assessor that our training school is of a very high standard – something our customers already know. And no we are accredited, our customers are surveyed monthly to ensure our standards remain at the highest level (and they are!); and we will be formally inspected annually too, to keep us on our toes!

In the words of the MCIAC themselves:

“MCIAC believe professionally recognised vocational qualifications are the future for those working in the rider training industry.  The Driver & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) hinted at this when they began working with stakeholders on Instructor Registration in 2011/12. This was abandoned when legislative changes became unlikely, so this left only the voluntary route and this is where MCIAC courses come in.

It is important that accredited ATB’s and Instructors get the extra recognition that they deserve for investing time, effort and money in their business. It is also important to the industry as a whole to encourage more, well trained, safe riders on our busy roads and for the future of motorcycling.

Currently the DVSA only check standards once every 4 years on average and are mostly by appointment.  With the MCIAC qualifications, all customers of accredited ATBs will be surveyed after their training, which will provide robust evidence based intelligence to ensure that our Quality Assured Award is only given to those ATB’s and Instructors who genuinely meet those standards 100% of the time.

Safety is paramount as we want to see more riders using PTW’s but not at the expense of more casualties and we believe that ATB’s and Instructors who take the opportunity to complete these courses will deliver a professional high quality training experience and will be able to prove it.  They will also be able to differentiate themselves from other trainers by proving that they are at a higher standard and understand the needs and wants of their customers.”

So now you have the proof that Inner Circle Training is the BEST place to learn to ride a motorcycle or scooter – we are currently the ONLY training school in the North West to have achieved this accreditation.

Our MCIAC certificate - the FIRST motorcycle training school in the North West to achieve this award!
Our MCIAC certificate – the FIRST motorcycle training school in the North West to achieve this award!


The award is independently validated by the IMI (Institute of Motor Industry), here's the proof!
The award is independently validated by the IMI (Institute of Motor Industry), here’s the proof!

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